Meet Britney Brent
Have you ever run across someone so inspirational and hardworking that it made you do a self-check? Check out this young lady from Canton, MS by the name of Britney Brent. She’s 33 years old born August 21, as Leo at its finest. Britney is the 2nd oldest of 8. 2 sisters and 5 brothers on her mom’s side, (Vera Brent), and father (Willie C Love). She has 5 sisters and 4 brothers.
Although her childhood growing up in Mississippi seemed to be a little rough, Britney is considered a survivor. She graduated from Canton High School in 2008 and received an Associate in Business from Holmes Community College. Killing the game as a fitness trainer and role model, she hopes to inspire others through hard work and determination.

Not Only a Client
Britney is the CEO of TopNotch FitQueens. Weighing as much as 275 pounds, she now weighs 175. Britney looks better than ever. Britney has overcome her insecurities and is now more confident than ever.
This journey was not easy at all but she knew she had to start somewhere. It took getting out of the shower one day. Taking one long look in the mirror to feel unhappy about her physical appearance. She began to make changes.

Britney had failed in fasting and meal prepping after one week. A 2-pound weight loss caused her to wanna give up, but she knew that wasn’t an option. She continued to fight back. One day after work she decided to try one more time to shop for healthier foods. So she began to take action by walking every day starting with 3 miles until she had reached 10 miles a day losing 10 pounds in one week.
Starting to see some results, Britney became more confident and determined to get her weight off so she created a flyer to gather others to encourage them to workout alongside her with little to no support. Instead of focusing on the negative she placed more and more energy into her well-being and later connected with others in the fitness business.
Unsuccessful with her fitness business in 2016 and the lack of sales in waist trainers by only selling 10 out of 25 in a month, she still managed to lose 86 pounds by the end of the year. In 2019 she began to support another fitness trainer and their products and began to realize that all of her hard work could actually pay off if she worked hard for herself.

In Conclusion
She created TOPNOTFITQUEENS.LLC in 2020 in which she has her own waist trainers and is also well known all over Facebook with 39k followers and supporters. She started out with 5 participants in her fitness class but because she was so humble it felt like 100 participants.
Her only fear is to fail knowing how hard she had worked to get this far but that does not outweigh her goal which is to be a role model and inspiration to those who suffer from weight loss and look to seek a less healthier outcome which is weight loss surgery.
Britney wants to tell the world “Never give up, you will be tested over and over. Giving up will only cause you to fail. Keep going even if no one is looking, keep going even if you are not being supported the way you want to be because one day you will be able to tell your story and how you survived”.

#GetSOM via @madcappodcast