#GetSOM via @mzkim2012
Motivational Monday, Fall in Love with You is my reminder to you. Saturday we changed our clocks. To most that’s just a normal thing to do during this time of year. Let’s take this opportunity to do an inventory of your life. Ask yourself a few questions. Am I still in love with me? Do I use my time wisely? Am I a top priority in my life? If you had an ounce of hesitation, it’s time for a change.

My reminder may seem easier said than done, I understand. Wiz Khalifa said it best, “Love Everything You Hate About Yourself.” Time to stop having reasons to NOT love yourself. With our unique flaws and all, we are wonderfully made. Embrace your imperfections. If you you desire a change, go for it. Remember all the rights and wrongs in your life set you apart from the rest.
My beautiful faces, the best way to get back to loving you is to DO IT. Plain and simple. No easy way out. No gimmicks. Just FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! If your busy life got in the way of you taking care of you, that’s ok, it happens. Knowing is half the battle. Now let’s get back to doing things you love. Motivate yourself. Date yourself. If there is something you really desire, don’t wait, go for it. Remember you deserve the world.

Alright my beautiful faces I hope you have an amazing Monday. Be sure to come back for some more motivation every week here in Straight Official Magazine. If you need another dose of KimdaSSB, check me out on https://www.power99damixx.com/ Monday 8 – 10pm CST or follow me on Instagram @Mzkim2012.