For over two decades, the fleet dj’s has grown from a small crew to a proficient coalition with over 500 members and counting. since 2001, THE WORLDWIDE FLEET DJ’s has changed the lives of both its members and the entertainment industry they have thrived in.
These are the members. These are Their Stories. THESE ARE “THE FLEET FILES”

FLeet DJ Since: 2021
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Region: SOUTH REGION/Louisiana Fleet DJ’s
THEE INKREDIBLE DJ KLASIK is one of the newest members of The Worldwide Fleet DJs. Even before he joined the coalition in 2021, the concept of music and entertainment was instilled in him from a young age. Having a father who was also a DJ was a huge plus, and since the age of five he’s been connected to the culture.
I asked him what made him decide that this was the path you needed to take. He replied, “It’s been my passion since my teenage years. My love of music and rocking the crowd is what convinced me to become a DJ.” It’s why he is also known as “Your Neighborhood Vybe Pusha.”
Becoming a member of Fleet came by chance for Klasik. Rayshad Rogers was a student at JSU who would do weekly house parties as a hobby. He took his shot saying, “I saw that one of my friends from JSU was a member. I did my research on it and made the best decision in my DJ career so far.”

I’m Your Neighborhood Vybe Pusha.

COVID-19 was life-changing for all of us and in DJ Klasik’s case, the hobby would grow into something more. “I realized that life was extremely short and it was time to get into DJing. Get back into what I love.” It was then he founded 3Kingz Entertainment, LLC which was named after his mother’s three sons.
Klasik would join the Louisiana chapter of Fleet in 2021 and make moves quickly. After attending the annual Fleet DJs Music Conference last year, he would secure the Tre Boogie Rookie of the Year award. Soon after, he would be promoted to State Manager of the Louisiana chapter of Fleet!
Through Gumbeaux Radio on the Fleet Radio Network he rocks the airwaves with his blend of Hip-Hop and R&B. When I asked him how he finds inspiration to DJ, he spoke on his passion and partners in crime. “Besides my love of music there are a few DJs that inspire me. DJ Lil Walt, DJ P-Money and DJ Ill Nino to name a few.”

Consistency in key. Don’t give up when told ‘no’ because this industry is something you have to consistently work at.

I had to ask Klasik how he came up with his name. Most of the Fleet DJ’s have a unique story behind their name. “When I was in high school I was in an R&B group. Each of us had nicknames and mine was Klasik (Classic). I grew up in my grandparents house listening to classic Hip-Hop and R&B.”
He continued, “Now my name is THEE INKREDIBLE DJ KLASIK with the inkredible part for my favorite comic book character (The Incredible Hulk). I am THEE NEIGHBORHOOD VYBE PUSHA. That’s how they call the dope man (pusher man) and I provide the vybe for my audience.”

You can follow DJ Klasik on all social media platforms at @djklasik504. Tune in to the Fleet Radio Network to catch him on Wednesdays at 10pm EST and Sundays at 11pm EST on Gumbeaux Radio by downloading the Fleet DJ app.
I gave him the floor to shout out who he wanted. “Shout out to my wife Quinnel Rogers. Thank you for being my ongoing support system. To my team at Louisiana Fleet DJs, 3Kingz Entertainment LLC & my mama for birthing this greatness!”