
The Quest Chronicles

The Quest Chronicles: Make It Count

The Quest Chronicles: Make It Count Time is precious and many people take it for granted. We try to convince ourselves that if we have something to do; we can just put it off until tomorrow. Last I checked, tomorrow is not promised to no one. So what are we going to accomplish today?

I remember going to different events and hearing people complaining about not getting paid or lack of attendees. These people I consider cup half empty people. As for me, I’m more of a cup half full type of person. If money is spent, I consider it an investment and then I make sure I get my money’s worth. 

A thousand people, a hundred people or even 10 people can be in the building; I’m going to still work the room. Each person is a potential fan, supporter, client or my next customer. I’m going to network the proper way and seal the deal. A new LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE , SALE & or BOOKING is a level higher then where I was before arriving. 

So are we going to complain, pout and be mad at the world or are we going to make the best out of our situation? Make it count for your own sake because the only person you have to report back to is YOU! 

The Quest Chronicles: Make It Count


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: We’re All Human

The Quest Chronicles: We’re All Human When I write; I’m not only writing for me but I’m writing for you too. Writing is an outlet for me to express myself and help others at the same time. In my opinion it’s a win-win situation. Every week new readers thank me for my words because it resonates with them. 

The reason why my words resonate with so many people is because we all may be individuals but we’re all still humans. We go through a lot of the same things just in different ways. Everyday has its own struggles. stress, trust issues, money problems, etc. That’s just life in which we are all living.

I say all that to say this; God is not picking on you. Everyone has their moments, problems and unresolved situations. We just have to find our own personal ways to tackle them. It may take longer for some. Remember, we all mask what we go through but just know you’re not alone. No one’s life is perfect so stop being hard on yourself. You Got This!

The Quest Chronicles: We’re All Human


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: The Third Quarter

The Quest Chronicles: The Third Quarter It’s that time of the year where it’s hot, all the skin is showing, ice cream being eaten and many are heading to the beach. We all love summer time, especially the kids. Nothing like a gateway, summer barbeque and laying out in the sun just because you can. All of this is wonderful and well deserved for the most part but please do not get too distracted. 

Life is all about balance and I encourage many people to work hard and not forget to enjoy life. At the same time, as an adult we have a lot of responsibilities that can not fall through the cracks. We are in the third quarter of the year which is the second half of the year as well. 

Are we still on track with our goals? Have we come up with new strategies for minor setbacks? What are the next steps to take advantage of this new quarter and what are we trying to accomplish this second half? Life is getting harder and becoming more experience. It’s better to be prepared than to be stuck. What’s your plan?

The Quest Chronicles: The Third Quarter


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Stay Hydrated

The Quest Chronicles: Stay Hydrated Am I the only one that feels like naked is the appropriate clothes needed right now! Summer is the hot season but the degrees are at an all time high in many areas. This is our ultimate “We’re Outside” Season and I’m here for it. From outdoor concerts, amusements parks, to taking the family to the beach. I encourage everyone to enjoy their summer but please don’t forget to stay hydrated!

Sodas and sugary drinks are many people’s go to but sometimes they’re not the best solution. For health purposes please include drinks with electrolytes and WATER into the rotation as much as you can. Add some lemon, cucumber or any of your favorite fruits to infuse your water if that’s what you prefer.

We want to have fun but there’s nothing fun about dehydration and passing out. Enjoy your life, enjoy your summer but don’t forget to take care of your body and stay hydrated!

The Quest Chronicles: Stay Hydrated


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Your Next Move

The Quest Chronicles: Your Next Move We have people in our lives that we turn to such as family, friends, colleagues and perfect strangers. Social media is an open diary. Some of the comments are helpful and the rest are a waste of time. It comes to the point that we may even block someone for replying to a status with stupidity. We were the ones to open our thoughts for the public to see, judge and comment.

The moment we have these conversations, hear the feedback and read the comments; we instantly regret it. We may hear something we didn’t want to hear, we notice it was a waste of time and instead of helping all it did was give us a headache. 

Some people really just want to help because they care about your well being but no one has all the answers. People can give their advice, opinions and share their personal experiences but at the end of the day; you have the final say. You can take it all in but what you do with the info is on you. This is your life, your troubles so what’s the next movie? 

The Quest Chronicles: Your Next Move


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Each Other’s Light

The Quest Chronicles: Each Other’s Light Many of us have been through a lot of things. Most, especially in the black community may come off as angry and or bitter but can be explained. Not all women like to fuss, fight, and argue constantly. It looks like it can be very exhausting. Some women are just looking for a man to take some stress and burdens off their shoulders so they can be that loving caring woman men desire.

Don’t get me wrong, this can most definitely go both ways. Most men want to come home to a warm embrace, a positive atmosphere, and just relax with their lady. If he may have done something wrong, the last thing he wants to do is argue. Certain things can be resolved in a respectable conversation.

Easier said than done in most cases. All I’m saying is, lighten up a little bit. Even if you have been through a lot, try not to dump it on the next. We are all going through things so let’s try to be each other’s light.

The Quest Chronicles: Each Other’s Light


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: An Extra Day!

The Quest Chronicles: An Extra Day! We as adults always wish we had more time to just relax. 8 days a week would be nice right about now. We work so hard and would love to have a break. That sounds perfect; right? Now, it’s time to be realistic.

Even if we had another day off or another day of the week; things won’t change much. Yes, for health purposes we all could use another day to rest. Let’s be honest though; we won’t use the extra day to rest. Our lives are too busy and hectic. If we had another day to do whatever we wanted; the majority of us would use the day to run errands and use the time to get other things done. 

Are you still wondering why many countries look at Americans sideways? Whether we like it or like; this is our reality. Would there ever be a true balance because we sure can use it. Many of us deserve it. I’m tired Boss! 

The Quest Chronicles: An Extra Day!


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: The Diamond, The Dog, or The Device?

The Quest Chronicles: The Diamond, The Dog, or The Device? There’s an old saying that diamonds are a girl’s best friend and that a canine companion is a man’s. But let’s be honest, not every girl has a diamond-studded bracelet resting on her wrist, and not every man fancies a four-legged friend. But you know what most of us do have, a smartphone. A device that can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on how it is used.

Many have pointed fingers at our phones and social media, blaming them for the ills of the world. But is it the technology that’s the problem, or is it just that we haven’t quite mastered how to use it to our advantage? Life can feel like walking a tightrope sometimes, becoming both more challenging and simpler at the same time. It’s all about finding your balance.

Have you ever found yourself lost in the infinite scroll of your social media feed? One minute you’re checking a friend’s latest post, the next thing you know, hours have passed and you’re knee-deep in cat videos. Time, once gone, is gone forever. But what if you could use that time to your advantage?

The Quest Chronicles: The Diamond, The Dog, or The Device?

Imagine using social media as a tool for networking without burning a drop of gas. Picture finding your next client or customer without even stepping outside your front door. Google, YouTube, or your social media platform of choice can be your golden ticket to solving some of your problems. Money may make the world go round, but with a little planning, research, and execution, you can start making strides towards your goals for free. The question is, what are you doing with your spare time?

Are you spending your days whining about life’s difficulties, feeling let down by family and friends, or daydreaming about how life would be so much easier with more money? How about channeling that energy into something productive? Your smartphone, that device that’s practically glued to your hand, holds the potential to become your most valuable asset.

If you’re feeling stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. And guess what? That’s free too. Just like that, you’re one step closer to a life with less stress and more financial freedom. So, pick up your device and let’s get started!


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: A Moment

The Quest Chronicles: A Moment You ever just want to get a way? As adults we have bills and responsibilities so those vacation days don’t get used. Then there’s the situation of being uncomfortable to take time off without pay because you need the money so you’re forced to neglect yourself.  This is unhealthy and unfair. 

It is disheartening to know that we can’t truly focus on our mental health as we should. We have to focus more on how to survive. All we want is a break, to breathe; a moment of clarity. Is that too much to ask for? 

Can we get a day, a weekend, a week? Doesn’t have to be a true out of the country vacation. Some of us would settle for a staycation at a hotel nearby. We just need a ME moment! A moment to relax, a moment to strategize, a moment to release and hopefully end with some type of clarity. It won’t change anything majorly but it’s a step. 

The Quest Chronicles: A Moment


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Adult Life

The Quest Chronicles: Adult Life As children we all couldn’t wait to be adults. We no longer wanted curfew & definitely didn’t want to be told what to do. We can’t forget the freedom of going wherever you want to go, driving fast cars and just living life. I remember teenagers even saying they were looking forward to cursing freely, drinking and smoking but to each their own.

Now as adults; we realize that it’s not what it’s cracked up to be. Our parents and guardians hid a lot of things from us. These bills, stress and problems are a little too much to bear. Now we completely understand when an elder would say; “enjoy being a kid while it lasts. Don’t try to grow up too fast.” These words never felt so true.

Even though adulthood comes with a lot of unexpected turns; you still have the ability to turn things around. Revamp, regroup and make new plans. Control the narrative and embrace a new journey if need be. As an adult, you have the freedom to do so. 

The Quest Chronicles: Adult Life


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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