
The Quest Chronicles

The Quest Chronicles: Networking Time

The Quest Chronicles: Networking Time Shout out to the entrepreneurs out there holding it down alone or with a team. If you are still a team of one, that’s not a bad thing. As you patiently wait for the proper teammates, do like I did; outsource and hire staff members. Whatever you’re selling or trying to get out there, find the right people in their field to help you get it out to the masses.

I’m talking about coming up with a business plan, hiring a graphic designer (such as myself) for promo flyers, business cards, media for coverage and do whatever you have to do to get the word out there. Sitting at home, doing nothing will not bring you clientele.

There’s a lot of people out there that can help you but you have to take the first step. Yes, it’s hard to know who to rely on but business is all about risk taking so are you ready to take that risk? Do your research, check reviews or have someone as amazing as myself, who is connected in the business to help point you in the right direction. There’s a lot of money out there for all of us so let’s get it together!


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The T-Quest Chronicles: Are YOU The Problem?

The T-Quest Chronicles: Are YOU The Problem Have you ever scrolled through your social media feed and found yourself exhausted by all the negativity? The endless stream of complaints and criticisms can be draining, to say the least. But what’s even more comical is that many of these complainers are guilty of the same behaviors they’re criticizing.

As a business owner, I find it all very comical. My company is designed to help others expand their brand, yet so many people seem determined to hold themselves back with their negative attitudes.

Consider the person who is always complaining about the high cost of goods and services. They’ll rant and rave about how unfair everything is, how they’re being taken advantage of, while insisting that their price is their price. However, when it comes time to pay for something, they will be the first to request a discount.

The T-Quest Chronicles: Are YOU The Problem

It’s like they want to have their cake and eat it too. They’ll gladly criticize others for behavior they engage in themselves, without even realizing the hypocrisy of their actions.

So here’s my advice: look in the mirror. Take a good, hard look at yourself and ask if you’re the customer or friend that you’re always having issues with. Are you the one causing problems? Are you the one who’s really unprofessional? It’s time for some self-evaluation.

Because here’s the thing: the same people you have issues with are often a reflection of who you see in the mirror. If you’re constantly complaining about others, it’s likely that you’re the problem. And until you can recognize that and make some changes, you’ll never be able to move forward and expand your brand.

Remember, social media can be a powerful tool for positivity and connections. Let’s use it to lift each other up, rather than tearing each other down.


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Be The Light

The Quest Chronicles: Be The Light The world is becoming a dark place. Relationships are failing, trust issues are at an all time high and everyone is out for themselves. Yes, It has been like this for quite some time but it’s more out in the open especially because of social media. People don’t know what to believe in or who to believe in. It’s becoming scary out there. 

As for me, I understand and I observe but I don’t partake. I continue to stay positive & I continue to not allow this world to change my character. I lead by example and action. I am a reminder that dreams can come true. I am a reminder that love does exist  & I am a reminder that just because others are putting out negative energy doesn’t mean I have to as well. The world may be a dark place but continue to show that there is light. You have the ability to be it.


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your Google Play Store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Who To Trust

The Quest Chronicles: Who To Trust Everyday there’s a new brand and a new hustle. I truly love what I do in this music industry as a Personality, Journalist, Anchor and more. I have expanded my brand to work with numerous clients to help take themselves, their music and their brands to the next level. Seeing their faces after seeing the work that I do from them from graphic designs to promotions. I’m in the field that I love which in many cases is not easy. 

The Quest Chronicles: Who To Trust

The beginning process tends to be rough at times. By the time they come around to professionals like myself, they’re reluctant to work. There’s a fear of being played again. In cases like this I have to convince them I’m not like the others. This is the perfect time to show them that I am different. I have enough comfortable conversations with my potential clients; answering as many questions as I can. Making sure to get them to trust me as much as I can .

It’s kind of like relationships. If you’re dealing with someone who’s been hurt before; it may take time to gain their trust. If it’s the right person; it’ll be worth it and if it’s a client you don’t want to get away; it’ll be worth it as well. 


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Super Bowl LVIII Half Time Show

Straight Official Magazine Logo

The Quest Chronicles: Half Time Show Every year the Super Bowl picks an international artist to bless the stage. You have to be an incredible crossover artist to even be considered. This year, Usher was the lucky one. I was very impressed with his overall performance. Putting smiles on everyone faces as he brought out artists such as H.E.R, Alicia Keys, Ludacris, Jermaine Dupri and Will.I.AM. Of course many people had a lot to say about the performance, the way Jermaine was dressed, Alicia Keys first off key note to the way Usher was holder her. No one is perfect, people have their own choice of style, and you can’t forget people are entertainers.

Nay Sayers may say what they want good or bad but me personally thought the Superbowl performance was executed perfectly. I have no need to highlight certain things like others for entrainment purposes. I was a proud viewer because Usher did not disappoint. He had a wonder song selection ,with the right features, dance moves and performed in a way that many viewers could enjoy.

The Quest Chronicles: Half Time Show

Some people expect so much from people doing something they don’t have the capability to do nor will ever have the honor of executing. To be honest, the part i was most proud of is that I was not embarrassed by the performance. Many artists in the Hip-Hop and R&B genre have been a little too free and reckless lately to cheer for. It was refreshing to enjoy a talented artist who proudly represented for the culture and did it well. Once again congratulations Usher!


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Black History Month

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The Quest Chronicles: Black History Month It’s Black History Month and I’m excited! Yes, back in school; we used to learn about some of our great black ancestors and what they haven’t done for us like Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Rosa parks, etc! What I want you to do is think about all the greats that came before them, during their time but after as well! 

Black excellence is in full force and I can’t be more proud. We have so many black doctors, lawyers, teachers, entrepreneurs, millionaires and the list goes on. Keep shining, show love, show support and remember that you matter! Shout out to all my black Kings and Queens. Let’s uplift each other every day but let’s go harder this month!

The Quest Chronicles: Black History Month


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Holds No Value

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The Quest Chronicles: Holds No Value Protect your peace. If you pay attention to society, many of us are truly trying to protect our peace and only want to be around good vibes. Not just in person but even in DM’s, emails & texts. I don’t know what happened to home training but many people have forgotten about it. I received messages without proper greetings and yes, sometimes it’s ok but if you’re trying to do business with me; have some respect. You should know how to speak to people.

Another thing I’m not fond of is people thinking I work on their time. If you’re supposed to contact me in an hour, don’t hit me up in a week and think it’s ok. Respect is starting to hold no value and society is getting worse. Change is needed!

The Quest Chronicles: Holds No Value


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Do The Work

The Quest Chronicles: Do The Work As I scroll on social media, all I see is everyone protecting their peace and energy. They’re not allowing others to interfere with their new wave of life. If it doesn’t benefit them; it’s not happening, People are starting to say NO more than YES and  putting themselves first from now on. 

This is beautiful and I support it to a certain extent. Some of the people who are saying and writing this are actually the problem. I encourage everyone to look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Am I the problem?” “Is there something I need to work on myself? I’m here for all positive affirmations but at the same time I’m here for self evaluation and accountability . Let’s do the work on all sides. 

The Quest Chronicles: Do The Work


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: New Beginnings

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The Quest Chronicles: New Beginnings Weddings are taking place, engagements are happening, parties everywhere and firecrackers non-stop. The celebration has not stopped. And that’s ok; keep celebrating! I encourage you to stay excited. Whatever helps you get through the day and motivates you; I support. Do what you need to do to keep you pumped about executing new goals. 

Whatever you decide to do; just be happy and grateful. Life is extremely short so for all of us to make it to see another year together is a beautiful thing. New year, new me is something that people say every year but I’m here for it. If affirmations help motivate you then I support it. Let’s higher the vibration in our lives in 2024. 

The Quest Chronicles: New Beginnings


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Change For YOU

The Quest Chronicles: Change For YOU Life changes every second. Seasons change every few months. As humans we grow older and so on. If everything changes; why are people so uncomfortable when WE change? We’re supposed to learn and grow everyday so what’s the problem? I believe people are uncomfortable when others change because they themselves are still in the same place in life and unhappy.

Once people are not at your beck and call anymore, tension starts to grow. This has to stop but will it? Probably not but if you are one of those who are changing for the better; ignore the negativity of others. If they can’t embrace the new you then respectfully don’t  give them anymore of your energy because they don’t deserve it.This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have. 

The Quest Chronicles: Change For YOU


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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