Haters are good at what they do…NOW CONTINUE TO BE YOU!
#GetSOM via @mzkim2012
What’s happening my beautiful faces?! It’s Monday honey so let’s get this good MOTIVATION going. As much as we would like for haters to go jump in the nearest river, they are here to stay. Truth is, some of them thrive off of the foolishness and drama they cause. Now if you think you are the only one with haters, think again. Today we will look at my girl Lizzo and how she deals with the madness.

Gotta take a deep breath, time to focus on you.
Lizzo – Good as Hell
Since the moment she stepped on the scene as a bold and confident artist, Lizzo has dealt with her fair share of haters. No matter how good her music is or how fly her fit is…someone somewhere is in the shadows waiting to say something negative. Sounds familiar? Honey, when it comes to being the center of cruel jokes and horrible memes, my girl had to endure it all. From jokes about her size, songs and even her attire. Now this is where the lesson comes in…She admitted it hurt a little, but each time she came back with something stronger. I know you are not at celebrity status and it’s hard to avoid the situations, but you are apart of my beautiful faces family. With that being said, together we will come out on top.
Lizzo makes music to empower the underdog, the disliked and less ordinary. You are doing something special and that’s why you have haters spreading rumors and gossip about you. I need you to regroup and focus on you. Don’t let the comments, jokes, memes and other forms of ignorance get you down. Instead use it as fuel. Not that you have something to prove, but use it as motivation, baby. Turn that negative energy into something positive. Never grant a hater the satisfaction of watching you fall or fret…you have more power than you think.
Now, my loves, go out into the world with your head held high and confidence on ten. Please know that despite with others say, do or think of you…YOU ARE WONDERFULLY MADE. Not everyone will like you and that’s ok. Mark my word, most people that give you a hard time, really desire to be. All of the good you are doing, we see it and we need it…DON’T STOP, BELIEVE IN YOU, BECAUSE I KNOW YOU GOT THIS…..and remember to LIVE LIKE ITS YOUR LAST!
Alright my beautiful faces I hope you have an amazing Monday. Be sure to come back for some more motivation every week. If you need another dose of KimdaSSB, check me out on https://www.power99damixx.com/ Monday and Wednesday 8 – 10pm cst or follow me on Instagram Mzkim2012.

OMG Kim, you did it again! This article is on point!
Thank you sooo much TQuest for your comment. Most of all thank you for your love and support.