
Health & Wellness

The Quest Chronicles: The Diamond, The Dog, or The Device?

The Quest Chronicles: The Diamond, The Dog, or The Device? There’s an old saying that diamonds are a girl’s best friend and that a canine companion is a man’s. But let’s be honest, not every girl has a diamond-studded bracelet resting on her wrist, and not every man fancies a four-legged friend. But you know what most of us do have, a smartphone. A device that can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on how it is used.

Many have pointed fingers at our phones and social media, blaming them for the ills of the world. But is it the technology that’s the problem, or is it just that we haven’t quite mastered how to use it to our advantage? Life can feel like walking a tightrope sometimes, becoming both more challenging and simpler at the same time. It’s all about finding your balance.

Have you ever found yourself lost in the infinite scroll of your social media feed? One minute you’re checking a friend’s latest post, the next thing you know, hours have passed and you’re knee-deep in cat videos. Time, once gone, is gone forever. But what if you could use that time to your advantage?

The Quest Chronicles: The Diamond, The Dog, or The Device?

Imagine using social media as a tool for networking without burning a drop of gas. Picture finding your next client or customer without even stepping outside your front door. Google, YouTube, or your social media platform of choice can be your golden ticket to solving some of your problems. Money may make the world go round, but with a little planning, research, and execution, you can start making strides towards your goals for free. The question is, what are you doing with your spare time?

Are you spending your days whining about life’s difficulties, feeling let down by family and friends, or daydreaming about how life would be so much easier with more money? How about channeling that energy into something productive? Your smartphone, that device that’s practically glued to your hand, holds the potential to become your most valuable asset.

If you’re feeling stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. And guess what? That’s free too. Just like that, you’re one step closer to a life with less stress and more financial freedom. So, pick up your device and let’s get started!


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: A Moment

The Quest Chronicles: A Moment You ever just want to get a way? As adults we have bills and responsibilities so those vacation days don’t get used. Then there’s the situation of being uncomfortable to take time off without pay because you need the money so you’re forced to neglect yourself.  This is unhealthy and unfair. 

It is disheartening to know that we can’t truly focus on our mental health as we should. We have to focus more on how to survive. All we want is a break, to breathe; a moment of clarity. Is that too much to ask for? 

Can we get a day, a weekend, a week? Doesn’t have to be a true out of the country vacation. Some of us would settle for a staycation at a hotel nearby. We just need a ME moment! A moment to relax, a moment to strategize, a moment to release and hopefully end with some type of clarity. It won’t change anything majorly but it’s a step. 

The Quest Chronicles: A Moment


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Adult Life

The Quest Chronicles: Adult Life As children we all couldn’t wait to be adults. We no longer wanted curfew & definitely didn’t want to be told what to do. We can’t forget the freedom of going wherever you want to go, driving fast cars and just living life. I remember teenagers even saying they were looking forward to cursing freely, drinking and smoking but to each their own.

Now as adults; we realize that it’s not what it’s cracked up to be. Our parents and guardians hid a lot of things from us. These bills, stress and problems are a little too much to bear. Now we completely understand when an elder would say; “enjoy being a kid while it lasts. Don’t try to grow up too fast.” These words never felt so true.

Even though adulthood comes with a lot of unexpected turns; you still have the ability to turn things around. Revamp, regroup and make new plans. Control the narrative and embrace a new journey if need be. As an adult, you have the freedom to do so. 

The Quest Chronicles: Adult Life


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: A New Day

The Quest Chronicles: A New Day Have you ever seen the movies where the lead character is waking up reliving the same day over and over? The purpose of the movie is for them to make things right in their lives,in their relationships, etc. When watching these movies, you have to shake your head at how many times they have to keep reliving the day until they get it right.

Well, this is how I live my life. I wake up everyday with a clean slate and take on the new day as a challenge. If I’m having a bad day, I meditate and remind myself that if I’m blessed to see another day; I will take a stab at getting it right tomorrow. Apply this method to your life and let me know how it goes. Today may be stressful but bring in tomorrow with a new perspective and try to conquer the day differently. It may just be the trick to getting exactly what you need in life. 

The Quest Chronicles: A New Day


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Take This Lesson

The Quest Chronicles: Take This Lesson We tend to meet a lot of people, grow to like them but then what? Relationships arise in some cases and in others absolutely nothing. You may meet someone who enjoys talking to you but that’s all it is. Are we connecting on a deeper level, do we see a future with each other or are we just enjoying whatever this is?

The Quest Chronicles: Take This Lesson

If you spend too much time just playing the field don’t be surprised if a certain someone moves on. You can’t expect them to wait around until you find out what you want to do, in this case when you see them with someone else, don’t be shocked or hurt; just let them go and move on. Take this as a lesson learned before you lose someone else that you may think is right for you.


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Networking Time

The Quest Chronicles: Networking Time Shout out to the entrepreneurs out there holding it down alone or with a team. If you are still a team of one, that’s not a bad thing. As you patiently wait for the proper teammates, do like I did; outsource and hire staff members. Whatever you’re selling or trying to get out there, find the right people in their field to help you get it out to the masses.

I’m talking about coming up with a business plan, hiring a graphic designer (such as myself) for promo flyers, business cards, media for coverage and do whatever you have to do to get the word out there. Sitting at home, doing nothing will not bring you clientele.

There’s a lot of people out there that can help you but you have to take the first step. Yes, it’s hard to know who to rely on but business is all about risk taking so are you ready to take that risk? Do your research, check reviews or have someone as amazing as myself, who is connected in the business to help point you in the right direction. There’s a lot of money out there for all of us so let’s get it together!


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The T-Quest Chronicles: Are YOU The Problem?

The T-Quest Chronicles: Are YOU The Problem Have you ever scrolled through your social media feed and found yourself exhausted by all the negativity? The endless stream of complaints and criticisms can be draining, to say the least. But what’s even more comical is that many of these complainers are guilty of the same behaviors they’re criticizing.

As a business owner, I find it all very comical. My company is designed to help others expand their brand, yet so many people seem determined to hold themselves back with their negative attitudes.

Consider the person who is always complaining about the high cost of goods and services. They’ll rant and rave about how unfair everything is, how they’re being taken advantage of, while insisting that their price is their price. However, when it comes time to pay for something, they will be the first to request a discount.

The T-Quest Chronicles: Are YOU The Problem

It’s like they want to have their cake and eat it too. They’ll gladly criticize others for behavior they engage in themselves, without even realizing the hypocrisy of their actions.

So here’s my advice: look in the mirror. Take a good, hard look at yourself and ask if you’re the customer or friend that you’re always having issues with. Are you the one causing problems? Are you the one who’s really unprofessional? It’s time for some self-evaluation.

Because here’s the thing: the same people you have issues with are often a reflection of who you see in the mirror. If you’re constantly complaining about others, it’s likely that you’re the problem. And until you can recognize that and make some changes, you’ll never be able to move forward and expand your brand.

Remember, social media can be a powerful tool for positivity and connections. Let’s use it to lift each other up, rather than tearing each other down.


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Quest Chronicles: Be The Light

The Quest Chronicles: Be The Light The world is becoming a dark place. Relationships are failing, trust issues are at an all time high and everyone is out for themselves. Yes, It has been like this for quite some time but it’s more out in the open especially because of social media. People don’t know what to believe in or who to believe in. It’s becoming scary out there. 

As for me, I understand and I observe but I don’t partake. I continue to stay positive & I continue to not allow this world to change my character. I lead by example and action. I am a reminder that dreams can come true. I am a reminder that love does exist  & I am a reminder that just because others are putting out negative energy doesn’t mean I have to as well. The world may be a dark place but continue to show that there is light. You have the ability to be it.


This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! It would be an absolute pleasure if you all can show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have.

Learn more about the one & only T-Quest . Download my “T-Quest” app in your Google Play Store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles and more amazement here:

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The Unique Speaks Movement: What A Woman Should Have & Should Know in 2024

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A woman should have and should know in 2024 a few valuable things in life. Every woman should have enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to during unforeseen circumstances… Something to wear if the employer or date of her dreams wants to “SEE HER” in an hour. A youth she’s content to leave behind… A past juicy enough that she’s looking forward to retelling in her Old Age….

Every Woman Should Know

Every Woman Should Know…How to fall in love without losing herself… How to QUIT a job, Break Up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship… When to try HARDER… when to walk away…That she can’t change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents… It’s what’s in you not on you. She needs to understand that her childhood may not have been perfect, BUT it’s over… She should know what she would or wouldn’t do for love or more… How to live alone… Even if she doesn’t like it…. Love thy neighbor as thyself but choose your neighborhood! She should know whom she should trust, whom she can’t, and why she shouldn’t take it personally.

Every Woman MUST Know

Where to go… even if it’s to her best friend’s house…. or to a calming place by the lake when her soul needs soothing. What she can and can’t accomplish in a day, in a month, or in a year does not mean that it can’t be accomplished. She needs to learn how to network. When they said conversation rules the nation! They meant that! I stand on it! Take heed to the gems being deposited into your life.


I AM thrilled to announce the launch of my new podcast, The Unique Experience Where Broken Crayons Still Color. This podcast is a judge-free zone, dedicated to mental health awareness and creating a safe haven for individuals to share their stories. Through this platform, my aim is to unmask the stigma surrounding mental health and unveil the true experiences of those living with mental health conditions whether it’s in business, within the music industry, or through everyday life. We believe that broken crayons still color and that every person has a voice that deserves to be heard. Join us on this journey to promote mental health awareness and empower individuals to speak up and seek help.

#GetSOM via @missunique & click here for more of The Unique Experience

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Unique Speaks: Make Sure You Pick UP What You Put Down

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Stay Away

Make Sure you pick up the goals you put down! Reevaluate what you enforce! Stay away from people who don’t appreciate ALL the little things you do… like spending money you really don’t have, paying for food you’re not eating, and even giving rides to places you don’t need to go! Do you get my drift? Like me, a perfect example, I offer good intentioned prayers, words of encouragement, boost up your confidence, and I even listen to your problems & end up making them my own. Not to mention I be the first one to reach out to everybody! Am I stepping’ on anybody toes or knocking at your front door? People only care about what you can do for them, and some will even have the audacity to take your help and go help somebody else. But what behooves me is they really forget to help those who have REALLY helped them.

On The Flip Side

On the flip side, sometimes the pure in heart humans such as myself tend to do things people really didn’t ask for because that’s just who we are. Make sure you pick up the goals you put down. When we fail to respond in this manner that we deem to be appropriate, it leads to resentment. Sometimes we bite off a bit more than we can chew only because we see a need and feel as though we should be the one to meet it.

You Want More……

Get ready for a one-of-a-kind podcast experience with The Unique Experience Where Broken Crayons Still Color! Join us in our judge-free zone and safe haven, where mental health awareness is celebrated, and everyone has a voice. Our unmasked and unveiled discussions will leave you feeling empowered and uplifted. So, grab your favorite crayons and get ready to color outside the lines with our playful and captivating conversations. Don’t miss out on this unique and exciting journey towards mental wellness!

#GetSOM via @MissUniqueness

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