
Miss Uniqueness

The Unique Speaks Movement: What A Woman Should Have & Should Know in 2024

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A woman should have and should know in 2024 a few valuable things in life. Every woman should have enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to during unforeseen circumstances… Something to wear if the employer or date of her dreams wants to “SEE HER” in an hour. A youth she’s content to leave behind… A past juicy enough that she’s looking forward to retelling in her Old Age….

Every Woman Should Know

Every Woman Should Know…How to fall in love without losing herself… How to QUIT a job, Break Up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship… When to try HARDER… when to walk away…That she can’t change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents… It’s what’s in you not on you. She needs to understand that her childhood may not have been perfect, BUT it’s over… She should know what she would or wouldn’t do for love or more… How to live alone… Even if she doesn’t like it…. Love thy neighbor as thyself but choose your neighborhood! She should know whom she should trust, whom she can’t, and why she shouldn’t take it personally.

Every Woman MUST Know

Where to go… even if it’s to her best friend’s house…. or to a calming place by the lake when her soul needs soothing. What she can and can’t accomplish in a day, in a month, or in a year does not mean that it can’t be accomplished. She needs to learn how to network. When they said conversation rules the nation! They meant that! I stand on it! Take heed to the gems being deposited into your life.


I AM thrilled to announce the launch of my new podcast, The Unique Experience Where Broken Crayons Still Color. This podcast is a judge-free zone, dedicated to mental health awareness and creating a safe haven for individuals to share their stories. Through this platform, my aim is to unmask the stigma surrounding mental health and unveil the true experiences of those living with mental health conditions whether it’s in business, within the music industry, or through everyday life. We believe that broken crayons still color and that every person has a voice that deserves to be heard. Join us on this journey to promote mental health awareness and empower individuals to speak up and seek help.

#GetSOM via @missunique & click here for more of The Unique Experience

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The Unique Experience : Listen!!


I often wonder what runs through the minds of the new generation of children today? Have we taken the time out of our busy schedule as parents to listen to them? Its time to slide your parent seat back and get comfortable enough to listen to what your children are trying to tell you. You are not present in your child’s life twenty four hours. often times children face childhood trauma which result in fear and insecurities. We tend to make time for everything else.

I pray for my children daily . It seems like every time I pray for them, it seems as if it gets worse. I never intend to give up on them.


Realistically, parents and children are inseparable when we are doing everything the child wants . But things change when discipline takes place. Some of the disagreements turn for the worse and some times both the parent and the child need a break from each other. Some responses that transfers between the two, are misunderstood because neither person want to listen.


The most hurtful, gut-wrenching, heartbreaking thing to hear is your child tell you how you gave them the “death- ear” when they were crying out for help. The only way to heal is to heal internally which is where all the pain lies. This warfare that is amongst us is here to distract and detour our children.

Not all children get a listening ear. Very few live in a two parent household. Being a child is hard because they are unable to make some decisions. Where do a child go when there isn’t anyone available to listen? Most children struggle because that is what they are around. Children hurt from mother wounds and father wounds. These are the thoughts that ponder the minds of our youth. So the Question to us as parents is are we ready to LISTEN?


Children know their worth. There are strongholds that they are holding on to. Those strongholds are not always physical. Sometimes they come in mental and psychological form. They hold on to so much and they fear change. The biggest communication problem is we DO NOT listen to understand. We listen to Reply. Dreams shatter daily. Sometimes the only way to reach them and give them peace is if they had someone to JUST LISTEN! We are born with two ears and one mouth on purpose!


#GetSOM via @missunique & click here for more of The Unique Experience Where Broken Crayons Still Color

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