There’s nothing like finding the right one. Society tried to put us on a timeline of when we’re supposed to date, when we’re supposed to be married & around what age we’re supposed to have children. Forget all of that; it’s too much pressure. Most people end up with someone just because & secretly unhappy.
When you’re patient & allow life to run its course, you never know who may enter your life. You may have to go through a few bad ones but once the right one comes along; that’s all that matters at that moment. Nothing like finally meeting that one who actually understands you. The one that makes you smile a smile you never smiled before. The one that brings peace to your life.
Whenever this happens, cherish them, appreciate them but remember in order for this to truly work; this special treatment has to go both ways. Teamwork makes the dream work, especially in relationships.
This is Ms. Gotta Love Me herself T-Quest & you’ve just been Questified! Show love by commenting, sharing & following me on social media @TQuestGLM Email me topics to discuss & QUESTions you may have. To learn more about the one & only T-Quest or to hear about certain topics in-depth please download my “T-Quest” app in your google play store & your app store. On the app, you’ll be able to hear Gotta Love Me Radio 24/7. Visit my website to buy any merchandise as well as my music. Check out more of T-Quest articles here: